(Check out the blond hair and thighs that are literally jammed into these 6 month overalls.)
Just a quick hello from Wheaton. We are all excited for the holiday weekend - the Hoeltings are coming over for a family sleep over tomorrow, plus we have putt-putt, bike riding, pooling, 2 firework shows and the 4th of July parade on our street all planned for the next 3 days. I have always loved the 4th of July, and Wheaton certainly doesn't disappoint. Quick note on the boys, Alec is a bike riding machine and has also been loving playing family soccer at night after we put Charlie to bed and he has been playing a ton of golf, which he's really getting the hang of it. Putt-putt is his request b/c Matt said he isn't quite ready for the real golf course yet (which Alec is of course requesting.) Charlie is a happy, smiley little maniac. He is rolling over from his belly to his back like crazy, and it's hilarious to watch b/c instead of pushing up on his arms and then bending his elbow, he runs his legs really hard and fast until his butt is up at about a 45 degree angle and then he flops over. Alec calls it his dive roll. He is also moving around on the floor like crazy. He loves to sleep on his stomach and has spent a lot of time there, so he is really comfortable with it, and I think this is part of the reason why he is so mobile on his belly. A few days ago he literally moved about 4 feet all on his own. Is my 3 month old trying to crawl??? What's really funny is that Alec overheard Matt and I talking about how we aren't at all ready for him to be reaching all these milestones, and then I walked in on he and Charlie in the sun room together a few hours later and Alec was very seriously yelling at Charlie saying, "no Charlie, no, don't roll over, you are only 3 months!" Hilarious! Enjoy your holiday.
I like that Alec has his own gallery while teeing off!
Best fan I could imagine.
Have a great weekend.
Much love to all of you. Wonderful pictures of those two adorable boys.
Have a great 4th!
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