I'm a day late with the post, but the pics are from yesterday. Little Charlie is 4 months old and we couldn't love him more. He is so sweet and easy going, and is such a wonderful addition to our family. He continues to grow like crazy, on my scale he is about 18 lbs, and he looks chunkier and chunkier by the day. Alec was a total butter ball as a baby, but we think Charlie is actually bigger and rounder. He smiles all the time, he loves to laugh, especially at Alec and when Matt tickles his tummy, he has started to squeal and squeak really loudly when he is happy and he is a rolling machine. He rolls from his belly to his back constantly, and just a few days ago started rolling from his back to his belly. He can actually move around really well while doing this, so he no longer stays in one place for long, and I always find him at a completely different end of the bed and in a different position than I put him down in when I go to get him up. He only gets up once at night to eat, (well twice if you count the dream feed I do before I go to bed around 10) and usually sleeps from 7:30-8 at night to about 6:30-7:30 in the morning. We have had a rough couple of nights lately with all his rolling b/c he will get into a position he doesn't like and get stuck and cry, so we have had to go in several times to roll him over, but we are hoping this is a short lived phenomenon. He has gotten better at napping on the go, which is nice b/c I feel like I am rarely home for him to nap in bed (especially in the mornings) and he pretty consistently takes a 1.5 - 3 hr nap in the afternoons with Alec, which is such a treat for me. He has been enjoying the summer with lots of rides in the jogging stroller, the bike trailer and at the pool. He pretty much just motors along with us wherever we go and smiles at everyone. He loves to be held and carried around, especially facing outward, and loves people talking and interacting with him. His hair is really starting to get blond, and although he looks a ton like Alec, he is also developing his own unique little look and personality. We love you Charlie!
Totally refusing to cooperate in my attempts to get pics, he kept pushing up his belly and squirming off the couch, something he also does to shimmy out of his bouncy seat if we forget to put the seat belt on.
He also loves to grab his feet, and suck on his hands.
He also mastered reaching for and grabbing things that he wants this month, which is essentially everything he can put in his mouth:)
What a cutie!!!
4 months already! How does this happen? It will be first birthday before I blink. He's getting cuter and cuter and I'm itching to squeeze on him and have a conversation.
Darling picture of you and Charlie Erin. He is a sweet sweet boy....and we love him too!
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