Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Both boys had their first day of school on Friday.  Alec started pre-K at the same preschool he went to last year and will be in school M,W, F from 8:30-12.  We were thrilled with Kensington last year and love that he gets another full year of preschool their this year.  He also loved it and was very excited to go back.  Charlie started a Parents Morning Out Program at a church right down the street from our house.  I have several friends who have kiddos in this program and they have nothing but great things to say, so we figured we'd give it a shot.  Charlie will go just on Fridays from 9-11:30.  He is the baby in the class, but had no trouble what-so-ever on Friday.  He comes to the gym with me every morning, so he is very used to being w/o me, and that was evident on Friday.  He ran in and never looked back.  He was excited to see me when I picked him up, but the teachers said he loved it and never fussed or caused any trouble.  That's our independent little beefcake for you.  Here's my somewhat failed attempt at getting a pick of both boys before we left.


Sweet Baby James said...

Love those cute boys!

JonandBarbara said...

Sounds like a good year ahead for the boys. Love the pic of Charlie watching his big brother