Monday, June 25, 2012

The Beach

We got back last week from our annual trip to the beach.  This year we went a little north and stayed on Kiawah Island, which is right off of Charleston, S.C.  As expected, the boys LOVED everything about the beach and playing outside for a week.  With the exception of a few windy days when we first arrived, the weather was perfect, low 80's, and the beach was gorgeous.  Alec is such a fish and spent hours in the ocean.  He loved boggie boarding and also discovered wave diving.  Charlie continued his insane bathtub behavior and was completely nuts in the water - he would run fearlessly in, fall over, swallow a bunch of water, get in in his eyes, finally get his balance, and then do it all over again.  It was hilarious and it certainly seems like he will be just as into swimming and the water as his older brother is.  This year my cousin Rodney and his wife Kara were able to join us, which was great and the boys both adored them, so it was extra fun for the two of them.  In addition to tons of time on the beach, we made a one night trip down to Savannah to visit Papa Randy and Retta (Alec got to go golf on the big course, and yes, I do now have to pack golf clubs for my 4 year old,) we did a bunch of bike riding around the island, we ate terrific food, and had a great time with family.  Here are a bunch of pics:) 
 This was on one of the windy afternoons
Headed to the course
 Surveying Papa Randy and Retta's yard
 Doing everything his older brother does
 With Kara
Checking out the view from the living room.  We stayed in my Aunt Barbie's sister-in-law's house, and it was gorgeous.  It backed right up to the marsh and we saw tons of wild life out these windows all week.
 Wrestling big Roddy
 A serious sandcastle
 The building crew - Rhett, Tyler, Alec and Rodney
 Two very tanned, very blond, very happy boys
And a gourmet breakfast picnic by Bub


Sweet Baby James said...

Such cute pictures of two very cute (and tan and blonde) boys! We can't wait to see you guys this summer, James asks when Alec can come over and play Legos all.the.time.

Abby said...

Cutest nephews ever!

Grammy G. said...

Love seeing the pictures. So much fun. Beaches suit those boys well!