Monday, June 4, 2012

15 Months

Hard to believe our little butter ball is gonna be 15 months old at the end of the week.  He had his doc appt today and he looks great, he was actually so well behaved that the doc said he was "awesome," on his way out of the room.  As expected, he has gained 6 pounds since March and has grown 2 inches.  His official stats are 26lbs 3 oz, and 31 inches.  The doc wasn't at all concerned about his rapid weight gain though, and said that he has to eat a lot to grow as much as he has.  At Alec's soccer game on Sat one of my friends commented that Charlie looks like a little "linebacker," which is a perfect description of our little 15 month old maniac, who thus far is showing all the signs of being as wild, crazy, and fearless as his older brother Alec. 


JonandBarbara said...

What a little doll! Good that the doctor says eat! eat! Hugs to all of you.

Grammy G. said...

Happy to see the pictures of our healthy, happpy future NFLer! He may be a tank, but he's an adorable one. And, is that a piece of bread he's eating in that first picture? Seems to be.