Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catching Up

Just a few pics from the last week. It's starting to get cold, so we have had to bust out the winter wear and start thinking about more stuff to do indoors.

Charlie continues to be adorable and get into non-stop trouble.

We took Alec to the bowling alley for the first time last weekend, which was a lot of fun, aside from the fact that Alec was very upset when he couldn't bowl any strikes....lord help me with that child's uncontrollable competitiveness.

Charlie was quite the observer

His own style

Hoping that if he turns, the ball will too

Lots more leave raking

In the outfit he wore for school pics, posing with the Thanksgiving turkeys Grammy sent he and Charlie.

Hand painting

and baths

We're off to sunny Savannah on Sunday and can't wait. Alec is running his first race on Thanksgiving Day and we are excited to see if his hard training work pays off. Happy Turkey Day!


Grammy G. said...

Why don't my comments post?!?!?!?!?

JonandBarbara said...

Hugs and Kisses...and Happy Thanksgiving. Love these adorable boys and having the blog...

JonandBarbara said...

Erin, The first picture of
Charlie and the"cheesy" grin as my crew calls it is adorable. A wonderful trip looks like and Alec awed by the dolphin wonderful. Hug that boy...great job running guy.

Love to all.