It's funny how different you are with second children. With Alec, I was always really excited about him getting older throughout his first year. I couldn't wait for him to sit-up, to crawl, to walk, to talk. With Charlie, I am the complete opposite. I can't believe how fast the months are flying by and it really makes me sad to see how much he is growing up right before our eyes. I really wish I could just press pause, but, I can't, and little Charlie certainly doesn't seem to want me to:) Month 7-
* Charlie pulls up on everything. He then lets go with one hand and balances very precariously before letting go with both hands and wiping out. He falls and bangs his head ALL the time, but he is not all all dettered by his bumps and bruises, and he continues to climb on everything. I am sad to say that I will not be at all surprised if he is taking steps on his own in the next month. * He has started to moan and grunt very loudly at us when he is unhappy. It's actually an awful noise and one that we hope doesn't stay around too long. He is usually moaning/grunting while he eats b/c we don't feed him fast enough. I have found that dumping finger foods onto his tray helps a lot with this b/c he can then shovel food into his mouth on his own while we refill his spoon. * He is a pig. Matt is constantly telling me to stop feeding him b/c he thinks he is eating too much, but according to my doc he will let me know when he is full, which isn't very often. * He had his second ear infection this month (crazy for us b/c Alec has never had one) and he was a very unhappy boy. We were up with him throughout the night for about 4 days in a row, which was really hard on all of us. He is totally back to normal though and back to sleeping through the night, which makes us all happy. * He still loves to babble mama, and baba and squeals, shrieks, laughs and giggles all the time. * He still loves to be held and I am trying to hold him often b/c when he's not in my arms he is getting into some kind of trouble. His favorite things to do are dump over the dog dishes, pull leaves off all the plants and eat them, pull over the fireplace utensils and then bang them around flinging black soot and dust everywhere, find every power cord in the house to pull out and chew on, and pull up on every single thing he sees, specifically the most unstable and dangerous things in the house, like glass candle holders, Alec's toys with wheels, and doors that open. He's a maniac!! * I still get stopped by at least one person a day who tells me how much Charlie looks like his big brother Alec!
* He is still a very content and happy boy. He has started to show a bigger preference for me this month, but he still adores Alec and Matt and is happy to be held by anyone and he will smile and chat away with whoever catches his eye. Happy 8 month birthday our liitle Ruchie Pip, we think you are the coolest and cutest baby ever!
Balancing on both knees is also a new favorite position that results in face plants quite often
I love this b/c he is gazing up at Alec:)
From the description of Charlie's antics it is a darn good thing he is so cute. Electrical cords? Yike. Your Mom just reminded me you walked at 9 months Erin. Happy 8 months old cute boy. Love the laughing video.
I love his laugh :) That video is great and the picture of him under the table cracks me up, he looks like such a little man, can't wait to hold him in 2 weeks!
This is my third attempt at a post! Honestly don't know what's going on.
I adore the standing under the table picture. Don't know why but I find that one particularly endearing. He is just a doll baby-so happy. Listening to him giggle is so much fun. I subjected numerous people from work to it yesterday-proud grammy moments, you know. Can't believe it's 8 months!
I just want to smoosh those cute little cheeks and give Charlie cuddles! He is SO cute! And after looking at these pictures, I am reminded that I bought that green alligator shirt this summer. Where did I put it??
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