Just a few random pics from the last week. We've been enjoying the wonderful weather, yes, I did say wonderful weather in reference to Illinois in August:) It's been low 80's for the last few weeks, so we've been enjoying spending a lot of time outside, and just hanging around. Alec has gotten so good at riding his bike and I love all the freedom the new skill gives us. We ride all over the place; to the store, the library, to lunch. It's a great activity for all of us, Charlie also loves to ride behind me in the Chariot, and it helps to use up some of the insane amounts of energy that Alec has every day.
Charlie idolizing Alec
Practicing sitting up
Alec is no longer satisfied with just pushing his own mower behind Matt, now he gets to help push the big mower when they do the front yard.
We had painters here to do some touch-up work and Alec was fascinated. He kept opening the door to tell them things, and then he would run up to me and say things like, "Wow Mom, those painters are sure nice."
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