Saturday, April 9, 2011

Double Take

Charlie Matthew...1 month

Alec Randall....3 months...a little eerie isn't it?


Grammy G. said...

And I thought Alec had more and darker hair! Seems to me though that they have different hair lines.
Like I said before, won't be hard to tell that they are brothers.

Erin Sungy said...

Alec did have way more dark hair mom, but this is at 3 months when it had started to fall out.

JonandBarbara said...

Alert, curious and adorable, both of them. And I am looking forward to June. Kiss them both from Bub

Lacey said...

Funny, if you just showed me those 2 pictures I would have guessed Alecs was the top one!
Those boys are going to be lady killers, watch out :o)