Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Alec thoroughly enjoyed Halloween this year, and is still loving every minute of having candy in the least I can use it as motivation to make him eat all of his meals! Gene and Susan came out to see us over the weekend, so Alec was extra excited because it was Halloween and he got to spend it with his Grandparents. We didn't do too much; carved pumpkins, watched football (tear), went trick-or-treating, and checked out the local Wheaton sites. All in all, a very successful weekend, and it was a blast to see how cute and excited Alec was about wearing his costume and trick-or-treating. He made it for probably 45 minutes, and was very polite when saying "trick-or-trash," and "thank you," and everyone got a real kick out of his costume. They actually had trick-or-treating here in the afternoon, which was something Matt and I were not used to at all, we both remember having to wait until it got dark to go out as kids, but I guess with it being on school night, the town does it earlier. So, we headed out about 4, and surprisingly really liked it. It was much easier for the little ones to get around in the daylight and the majority of people handing out candy just sat on their porches and driveways. It definitely felt like a whole town event, which was cool, and the street a block away from us is apparently trick-or-treating central, so there were literally hundreds of kids out and about. I can't help but agree with all my fellow mom friends and say how much more fun the holidays are with kids!

Working hard - Alec of course wanted the biggest pumpkin to be his

With Papa Gene and Grandma Susan

Posing with the family of pumpkins

Halloween morning

Hitting up the neighborhood

We let Alec wear some real trash stickers on his can, and he couldn't have been happier about it. He constantly wants to get out and play with the trash stickers (which we have to use every week when we put out the trash) and we never let him, so it was an extra special treat.

Just like a pro

Leading the pack

Showing off some of his goods

He even found a little time for leaf jumping

Starting to peter out

and taking the easy way home....trick-or-treating is hard work after all.


Abby said...

Awesome! The recycling can turned out so well, Alec looks so cute :) and I love that he won a trophy at the costume contest, how fun! Looks like Halloween was a total hit for him this year. No one celebrates in Nepal so Ross and I ate a Snickers bar at the top of our hardest pass on the trek in honor of Halloween :)

Grammy G. said...

My favorite is the sleepy recycle can on his daddy's shoulder. That is such a sweet picture. Alec is right, Daddy loves him, and he loves Daddy.

JonandBarbara said...

I get a big kick out of this blog. Loved the apple trek and halloween. Best recycle guy i ever saw. Now the fire building looks successful as well, even Brody seemed to get in the action.
Hug the blondie boy from Bub!