Friday, September 3, 2010

Lake Life

We got back on Sunday night from a long week with the Wolfe family - we spent about half the time at the lake house and half the time up in Cleveland. As always, we had an awesome time - ate too much, stayed up way too late, and laughed a lot. Alec really enjoyed the company of all the other kiddos; Julie's nieces and nephews were at the lake off and on, so there were up to 9 kids at some points. He was also thrilled with all the water activities and has done nothing since we've been home except talk about boats, inner tubes and jet skies. One of the definite bonuses of our new Chicago home is its close proximity to the Wolfes - it was a fabulous trip and super nice to be able to drive it instead of having to get on a plane.

Jet ski driving

Alec and Logan on the beach

Taking Zoe's jeep for a spin back in Cleveland

Logan, Alec and Zoe
Cookie batter
Pitting cherries in the sink - I think this is so cute
Back at the lake
Driving the go-cart
Treats from the ice-cream man
You can tell Alec has had fun when you find him passed out next to the door in his bedroom in this position.

Taking the boat to Clam Diggers for some mashed potato pizza

Alec and Malia

More ice cream
Alec and Logan were all about playing with Zoe's babies - this is how we found them one afternoon.
The infamous inner tube - maybe the highlight of the trip for Alec!


Abby said...

Great photos, lake life looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Erin! I just saw these for the first time. I love them!! It also reminded me that there will be NO buzz cut for Logan this summer ;)