Friday, October 2, 2009

Anderson Farm

On Friday we went to a great farm in Erie that has a fall festival going on. Alec had a great time checking everything out and running around with his buddies. It was perfect fall weather and a great day to spend with our friends. Thanks for organizing Katy - or as Alec would say, Taty.

This is Alec in his train car pre-ride. The ride ended up being fairly bumpy and long, and I think he got a bit freaked out being in the car all alone b/c he was crying when he got off. However, he did continue to talk about the train ride enthusiastically for the rest of the day, so it couldn't have been too traumatic.

The kids - Audrina, Alec, Taylor and James

Trying to love up on Audrina - she was not so into it.

Exploring an old wooden train

Say "cheese"

Feeding the animals - Alec was very enthusiastic about this.

On a hay-ride out to see the animals and pumpkins

James and Alec checking out the tractor.

John Deer tricycles

Semi-matching outfits, and trikes.

Milking the wooden cow
This was at the end of the morning and sadly Alec fell while stepping off of this sign. I was in front taking his picture, so I didn't see exactly what happened, but he fell on the gravel and didn't catch himself with his hands. He scraped up his face pretty bad and got a GIANT fat lip. He bled a lot, and we had a fairly dramatic exit from the farm. It was definitely his worst injury to date, but he is a trooper and is recovering quickly. Although he now looks like he has been in a fist fight, his spirits are high and he still had a great time at the farm. Plus, Matt assures me that this is only the beginning of the injuries that we will experience with our little maniac.


Sweet Baby James said...

Alec totally cracks me up! He is all boy. Amberly and her mom both said the same thing after you left the farm. I am glad his injury did not inhibit his enthusiasm about the field trip!

Grammy G. said...

Boy does that look like the perfect place for a field trip. What a beautiful fall day it looks like it was.