Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Week in Pics

Here is a random assortment of pics documenting Alec's week. As always, he is loving every minute of the summer.

Helping himself to the pantry

The pool

Alec and Kailee

Alec and Grammy at the park

Sprinkler heaven
Alec and Reid - we were hanging out outside after dinner and the sprinklers surprised us - the boys loved it, and both had to ride home naked b/c they were soaked.

Alec's new favorite thing to do with spraying water

Brothers and their boys

Alec's first experience in a jumpy castle

In the giant sandbox at the mall


Abby said...

I love Alec putting his face in the sprinkler, ha!

Grammy G. said...

We'll have to visit the giant sandbox again. What a great place for a boy.