Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Little Maniac

Alec is officially a maniac! He is definitely starting to show his independence, which he has actually been doing since birth, but it's crazy to see him realize that he has an opinion and a way to express it. Along those lines, we have had our first round of temper tantrums this past week. They usually result from Matt or I taking away something he is playing with, or moving him from someplace that he really wants to be - like on top of the dishwasher door when it is open. Luckily, we have found that if we don't acknowledge these fits they tend to stop fairly quickly. Plus - Alec has several new tricks that have proven very interesting here at the house. They include: being able to open and shut doors using the handles, emptying out the contents of every trash can he can get his hands on, flushing the toilets, and my personal favorite - putting his sippy cup up to the water dispenser on the door of the refridgerator and shooting water all over the kitchen floor! He's a maniac - who continues to get cuter, more independent and more lovable every day!


Sweet Baby James said...

I swear our babies are a different species. I can't imagine James doing any of that stuff! I love his expression in the first picture-so cute!

JoodyC said...

Alec is totally adorable. I love the image of the sippy cup and the water tap. You will, too, a year or two from now or when his child starts doing the same thing.

Tantrums at this age are triggered by frustration (not being able to sit on the dishwasher), hunger, exhaustion, and other factors that stem from not being able to express himself completely.

I cover this and other ways to prevent, stop, and live with tantrums in my book, "Temper Tantrums Common Sense Handbook."

Enjoy your Alec. He's at a great age.

Wolfe Pack said...

Logan also loves the dishwasher door! What funny little men. I love your blog. (and I did think of you as we passed by Denver because the pilot mentioned it. Feb?)