Monday, July 28, 2008

The Playroom

Here are some cute pics of Alec riding on Matt's back, it elicits unstoppable laughter, and of Alec in his new playroom - yes - playroom. We gave in and convereted the dining room to a playroom. We really needed somewhere on the main level that Alec could play w/o getting into trouble, and we can contain him in the dining room while still using the kitchen, so it was the most logical choice. Plus, we never used the dining room anyway. So, for now our dining room table and hutch are residig in the basement and Alec has taken over. He seems to be enjoying it though, and it looks pretty cute.

1 comment:

Wolfe Pack said...

I can't wait to see all of you. He looks so cute!! Giving up a room is a must. Painful, but necessary...