Thursday, August 1, 2013

10 Months

 Happy 10 months to our big eyed blondie!  Josh has been a bit of a pickle this month, he 's had some sleep regression and has taken to screaming rather loudly whenever he isn't getting what he wants (which is generally just to be held by mommy,) but we're hoping it's just a phase.  He has mastered crawling and pulling up and is the happiest when he is watching his brother's get into some sort of trouble.  He also adores chewing on any dog toy that he can get his hands on and is currently fascinated with throwing the contents of all the kitchen cupboards all over the floor.  We can't believe you have hit double digits little peanut:)


JonandBarbara said...

Happy 10 months Joshie. You are an adorable big eyed blondie with a beautiful smile.

Reagan & Corey Sowa said...

Erin, he is stinkin' beautiful.

Grammy G. said...

Growing like a weed! And looking an awful lot like big brother Alec!