Sunday, July 14, 2013

Big Boy Bike

Charlie has already completely mastered riding Alec's strider and has been obsessed with the "big boy" bikes with pedals for a few weeks now.  So, we bit the bullet and bought him a little bike with wheels yesterday.  Sure enough, he jumped right on and started pedaling.  We actually rode all the way downtown and back an hour after we got his bike.  We still have the training wheels on so he can get the hang of pedaling and balancing at the same time, but I think w/i a month he will be training wheel free.  Pretty insane for a new 2 year old, but that is Charlie for you. 


Grammy G. said...

Yup, that would be Charlie all right.

JonandBarbara said...

How fun to see you on the gravel blaster big guy. Sounds like Joshie was excited too!

Katy said...

Your kids are awesome.