Saturday, October 6, 2012


To my complete shock and surprise, my sister, Ross, and baby Ava showed up at our door this morning. Maybe the best surprise ever. Ava and Josh are already BFF.


Grammy G. said...

Cutest bugs on a rug ever! You gotta love a surprise, especially one like that.
Those giant eyes look very much like a brown eyed baby girl I knew quite well. So adorable.

JonandBarbara said...

How fun for all of you. Thanks for sharing pictures so we can see the little grass bugs together.

Grammy G. said...

OMG! I mixed up the babies! I was certain the bug in white was Ava, and I wondered why Josh was wearing Ava's diapers. Unbelievable.

Sweet Baby James said...

OMG, adorable! How awesome is that?! What a great surprise. Nice job Abby!