Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Charlie is 1!!

Took me a little longer than I anticipated to post the bday pics. Poor little Charlie was pretty beat down on his bday, and for good reason, when I took him to his appt on Fri he had a nasty ear infection. He got some meds and is on the mend, but he shared his germs with the rest of us, so he, Alec and I have all been a little under the weather for about the last week. I did manage to get some shots of him on his bday though.

Although I didn't get any smiles, he did like his cake and ate much more of it than Alec did on his first bday.

Goofballs in the bath

Sporting his new jammies

and enjoying some new bday books

Alec is particularly fond of the new books Charlie got from Grammy:)


Abby said...

Looks like some good cake! I want to see Charlie model the new Boden outfit now that it has all finally arrived :)

JonandBarbara said...

Nasty old ear infections. Kara and I are mad about stripes around the birthday boy belly. Makes us want to squeeze him. Thanks Alec for the big smile in the last picture. We're glad you are enjoying the books too!
Hugs to the guys. Hope you are all feeling better.

JonandBarbara said...

By the way....did Alec pick out the cake And frosting?

Grammy G. said...

I'm with Bub, that frosting looks very much like what Alec would pick. However....where are the sprinkles?
Adorable as he is Charlie does look sick to me. Poor boy.
Now I need stats from his one year check-up!
And, happy Alec likes the books too.

Jackie said...

He is SO cute! Happy Birthday Charlie!!!!