Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vacation, vacation, vacation

I feel a little guilty about starting w/ a full frontal nude shot of Alec, but I just couldn't resist - and he isn't two yet, so I think that means nude shots are still okay! Anyway - we just got back from a long vacation yesterday afternoon. We spent a week visiting our friends in Cleveland, and then Alec and I spent a week visiting my dad and Loretta in Savannah. We are very glad to be home, but we had a terrific trip full of many new adventures for Alec. I have about 500 pics, so this post if just about our Ohio trip - Savannah shots will follow. We started out in Cleveland at the Wolfe house, and Alec loved every minute of it. With three kids running around, there is always something to do, and unlike the last time we visited when Alec was a little shy and clingy, he had no issues leaving Matt and I in the dust this time to play with his pals. He and Logan are only about 8 weeks apart in age and they were instant buddies this trip. In the mornings they would go looking for each other and squeal w/ delight and dance when they found one another. They had some tough moments, but for the most part they loved each other and spent tons of time getting into trouble together. Julie and I are sure that the two of them will delight in getting into trouble and giving their mothers grief for the next 20 years! In addition to hanging out in Cleveland, we also took all the kids up to Julie's parents house on Lake Erie and stayed there for about 3 days. Their house is right on the water and there is a ton of stuff for the kiddos to do - highlights for Alec included naked swimming in the lake, kayaking, jet ski riding, boat trips and more time to play and run in the sand than he has ever had. It was a week full of fun for Alec and Matt and I had a great time getting to relax and spend some quality time with our friends. Wolfe family - we love you dearly and thank you so much for hosting us - once again!! These pics are all out of order, but they give you a little sampling of our fun Ohio getaway.

Alec and Logan at Julie and Jason's house.

This is Alec with Zach, Zoe, Logan and their cousins Ocoee and Malia.
Boat rides
Alec, Zach, Ocoee and Zoe.

These shots speak for themselves - Alec during his first swim in the lake.

Double trouble
They spent the entire week copying one another - sadly, this did include teaching each other a few of their own worst habits.
Seeing the lake for the first time

Lunch at the park in Cleveland

Alec loved this stroller

This was hilarious - they apent about 30 minutes at it. Alec would bring up a bucket from the beach, Logan would fill it up with the hose and then Alec would return to the beach to dump it out.

These are a few more of the Wolfe cousins - the oldest boy is Alec Huss, who is the only other Alec that Matt and I know - he gets a lot of credit for our Alec's name.

Zach and Zoe love to put on their parents' GPS watches and run around the block. This is Matt and Jason running with them - and as you can see, Alec and Logan joined right in.
Making himself comfortable in the Wolfe kitchen.


Grammy G. said...

I can't stop laughing at these. I'm wondering who had the best buudah belly? Alec does get the prize for tan.
Grammy misses the boy

Grammy G. said...

I really can spell buddah!