Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Favorite Things

Some cute pics of Alec hanging in the playroom. I took him to get 18 month pics yesterday and it didn't go very well. Our appt was at 11, but they somehow messed it up and we didn't end up getting in until 12:20. Needless to say, Alec was over it. Had they taken pics when we first got there, I think he would have been great, but he had been there for over and hour and wasn't too willing to smile. So - these pics are of the cute outfit I attempted to have his pic taken in earlier.


The popper is still a favorite

Alec LOVES this shape ball - he and dad do it about 10-15 times a day. Alec can successfully put in all the shapes, and can also identify specific ones when we ask him to. It's funny b/c 98% of the time he pics the circle to start with.

Yesterday was the first time he successfully bulit a leggo tower - he was very impressed with himself. Pardon the nasty post dinner hair-do.

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