Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day

We had a great long weekend - my cousin Zach got married, and so my dad and Loretta were in town for the festivities. The rehearsal dinner was on Sat at Maggianos, and then the wedding on Sunday - the reception was at the DCPA, and was easily one of the nicest and most spectacular venues I have ever seen for a wedding. The room has giant windows that overlook all of downtown and the mountains, and at sunset it was incredible. Plus - Jackie and Zach couldn't have looked any happier!!! Alec missed out on the wedding festivities b/c they were past his bedtime, but the 14 month old ring bearer who was in the wedding was adorable, and got us really excited for Alec's wedding debut in February at Nate and Renae's wedding! Alec did have fun at the pool on labor day and over at my aunt's on Monday night. Plus, he is finally getting over his first real cold - he had a terrible runny nose and diarrhea for almost a week, so we are excited to be moving past that. Here are some pics from the weekend.

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