Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just Cute

Just some cute pics from the last few days. Total teat this morning, both Alec and Charlie slept in until 8:30, so we are all feeling very refreshed and rested around here!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two weeks

Charlie was 2 weeks old on Tuesday! We are all doing well, and are slowly figuring out our new routine. My dad and Loretta left on Fri, and Matt has been back to work, so the boys and I have been figuring things out on our own. Alec has done awesome, and really surprised us both with his patience with Charlie. He loves to give him kisses and tries to soothe him when he cries; he loves pacifier duty. We had one morning when he asked when the baby was going to be gone, but other than that he has done great. He has been a little stir crazy in the house, since we are taking a few week break from most of his classes, and he has wanted to be very near me at all times, but other than that, "big baby" as he has named himself, has been awesome. Definitely makes me think a 3 1/2 year age difference is a good one! We have made it out for a walk every day, have been to story time and gymnastics, the grocery store, and even to the doc for Charlie's two week appt together, and we have all done well. Charlie continues to be a total lover and is totally content if he is being held or carried in the carrier. However, he is not a happy boy when he is not in someone's arms, and is not afraid to let us know. We are still having a hard time at night b/c he won't sleep w/o us, but if we give in and just let him sleep on our chests or next to us he will go for 4.5 hours at a time. We have had a bit of luck getting him to sleep in the car seat for stretches at night and I have been able to get him down for at least one 2 + hr nap a day in his bed or the pack n play, so we are making progress. Much to my dismay, he seems to have inherited his older brother's nack for spitting up, so we are remembering what that is all about. Unlike Alec, who was the happiest little spitter around, Charlie seems to have a bit of reflux and is pretty uncomfortable and irritable until he spits up. I talked with the doc yesterday and he gave him a reflux prescription, so we will see if that gives him any relief. Other than that, he is a sweet little man and we love that we are seeing more and more alert and awake time from him. He weighed in at 9lbs 5 oz at the doc yesterday, and the first thing the nurse said to me was, "Wow, he looks exactly like his brother!"

Checking things out, and reminding me of Alec

Some eyes open time

Brody's way of coping with another baby....surprisingly, he is very concerned when Charlie fusses and all up in his business. Guess Brody has a bit of compassion after all.

Looking big (and wearing a 3-6 month onesie!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Week

Just some cute pics from the last week - the one above is of Charlie on his one week bday, with his very sweet and helpful big brother Alec. Matt and I are in trouble when we are both already totally sad that he is a week old.

with Retta

Like Alec, Charlie already has great head control

Monday, March 14, 2011

We're Home

We made it home from the hospital on Friday, and have been adjusting to life at home as a family of four. Luckily we have had my dad and Loretta here, so we have had lots of help and wonderful home cooked meals. Alec had been a trouper and is very sweet with Charlie, he has decided that he is now "big baby" and he likes to replicate many of the things Charlie does. When Charlie cries, Alec cries; when Charlie lays in the pack n' play, Alec lays on the floor. It's pretty cute, and all things considered, I think he has been a champ with the transition. Charlie is also doing well, he still loves nothing more than to lay on your chest, and if left to his own devices he would do nothing but sleep and eat all day. Sadly, he does seem to have his days and nights a little messed up, and he has not been sleeping well at night. He wants nothing to do with laying in his bed, but is happy as a clam the minute you pick him up or lay him down with you. So, we have had a few restless nights with Charlie in and out of bed with us b/c that is the only place he will sleep. We are working on keeping him awake a little more during the day, so hopefully things will start to turn around a bit. I don't mind getting up a lot to feed him, but it is really hard that he won't sleep anywhere but on top of us. We made our first trip out today, we took Alec to lunch at his favorite train themed restaurant 2 Toots, and Charlie slept through the whole experience like a champ. It's definitely been a whirlwind of a week, and still seems pretty crazy to us that our family is now made up of four and not three. Happy almost one week b-day sweet Charlie!

Our big boy

Looking more and more like Alec

Headed home

He's happy on any chest he can find

Big baby and little baby

Making pink donuts with sprinkles

finished product

with Retta

His first bath

The boys

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Charlie Matthew Sungy

We are so happy to announce the arrival of Charlie Matthew Sungy, born March 8th, at 8:48am. Everything with my c-cestion went extremely smoothly, and none of the placenta issues they were concerned about ended up being any sort of problem! Charlie weighed in at 8lbs, 15 oz, which is pretty big considering he was a week early. He looks a lot like Alec did as a newborn, although his skin color is more fair, but he reminds both Matt and I of Alec. He has been super sweet so far, he nurses like a champ and is super snuggly, which we are loving b/c his older brother never liked to snuggle. We will probably be in the hospital until tom afternoon or Fri morning b/c I need to recover a bit more, so we are just enjoying our little man and the quiet time. It is amazing how much easier the whole newborn process feels the second time around, we are so much calmer and more relaxed and Charlie definitely seems to pick up on that. Alec is also doing well, running around with Papa Randy and Retta, and he did a great job when he came to visit yesterday - he was genuinely interested in meeting Charlie and already wanted to help - he found a comb and ended up bushing the baby's hair. He was a little sad to leave us and didn't understand why we weren't just bringing the baby home, but Papa and Retta assured us he was happy again after leaving. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes yesterday, we are so happy and can't wait to introduce you all to our little man.

The boys and Dad

With Retta

Meeting Papa Randy

p.s. We are both still in shock that we have a baby with an Illinois birth certificate
p.p.s. Damn to the other infamous Charlie who has been all over the media for the last 2 weeks damaging our baby name.