Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Alec celebrated Easter this year with his first egg hunt. We had brunch at Abby and Ross', so the hunt was at their house. Alec was a little confused at first, but quickly caught on. He did get a bit side tracked when he discovered that there were treats inside the eggs though- he would find an egg, open it, shove all of the egg contents into this mouth, and then put the egg back where he found it. It was hilarious, although after about 4 fist fulls of dried cherries we decided we had to empty the eggs before he got to them. He also got a new shopping cart from Grammy, which was definitely the highlight of the day and a very fun way for him to transport this eggs.

This is post egg content gluttony.

Inhaling egg contents

His new cart

Uh-oh Dad

Check out the chipmunk cheeks - stuffed w/ cherries


Grammy G. said...

Looks to me like "somebunny" had fun.

Erin Sungy said...

You are so "witty" mom

Abby said...

We had a lot of fun hosting the egg hunt for Alec, and I am glad he loves cherries so much!

Zach, Lacey, Audrina, & Augustino said...

Adorable! I love the jeans and vest, and the shopping cart with his Easter basket in it!