Friday, April 10, 2009


We got back this week from a long stay with our good friends Julie and Jason and their 3 kiddos: Zach, Zoe and Logan, in Cleveland. It was a great trip for both the adults and the kiddos. We were actually scheduled to come back last weekend, but were having so much fun that we decided to postpone our departure for a few days. It was actually much sunnier and warmer in Cleveland than here in Denver and we had a great time playing outside and checking out some of the local kid friendly sites. Julie took us to the Children's museum, the natural history museum, a great indoor kid play center, and to several local parks. Plus, there was an endless supply of new and exciting toys at the Wolfe house for Alec to play with. His favorites were a shopping cart and the mini-basketball hoops outside. Plus, their old neighbors left a trampoline in their backyard and the kids had endless fun running and jumping on it. By the end of our stay, both Alec and Logan would take off on their own for the tramp and climb right on up by themselves. Luckily, it was a kid friendly trap with a giant net around the outside to prevent falls. Here are just a few of the MANY pics I took on the trip. Thanks so much Julie and Jason for hosting us, we love you guys!

Alec and Logan had a never ending battle over sippy cups - they are about 6 weeks apart in age.
Alec invading Logan's personal space.

This is at the Shaker Heights Family Center - Zoe had a great time driving both little boys around.
The Natural history museum.

Alec and Logan - by far the most adventurous and ornery of the bunch.

Check out this monkey Joe-Joe (Logan's nickname.)

The Children's museum

Trampoline bliss

I know this pic is blurry but I had to post it b/c the two of them had so much fun on this swing together.

Hugs from Zachary
Kissing Zoe

Helping with yard work.

They had a giant pile of dirt that they used for the yard delivered while we were there - endless fun for the kiddos.

The shopping cart

Story time with Uncle Tubby - no joke, that is what the Wolfe children call Matt.

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