Monday, March 14, 2011

We're Home

We made it home from the hospital on Friday, and have been adjusting to life at home as a family of four. Luckily we have had my dad and Loretta here, so we have had lots of help and wonderful home cooked meals. Alec had been a trouper and is very sweet with Charlie, he has decided that he is now "big baby" and he likes to replicate many of the things Charlie does. When Charlie cries, Alec cries; when Charlie lays in the pack n' play, Alec lays on the floor. It's pretty cute, and all things considered, I think he has been a champ with the transition. Charlie is also doing well, he still loves nothing more than to lay on your chest, and if left to his own devices he would do nothing but sleep and eat all day. Sadly, he does seem to have his days and nights a little messed up, and he has not been sleeping well at night. He wants nothing to do with laying in his bed, but is happy as a clam the minute you pick him up or lay him down with you. So, we have had a few restless nights with Charlie in and out of bed with us b/c that is the only place he will sleep. We are working on keeping him awake a little more during the day, so hopefully things will start to turn around a bit. I don't mind getting up a lot to feed him, but it is really hard that he won't sleep anywhere but on top of us. We made our first trip out today, we took Alec to lunch at his favorite train themed restaurant 2 Toots, and Charlie slept through the whole experience like a champ. It's definitely been a whirlwind of a week, and still seems pretty crazy to us that our family is now made up of four and not three. Happy almost one week b-day sweet Charlie!

Our big boy

Looking more and more like Alec

Headed home

He's happy on any chest he can find

Big baby and little baby

Making pink donuts with sprinkles

finished product

with Retta

His first bath

The boys


Grammy G. said...

Oh thank you, thank you for posting pictures. I can't believe how much I'm hating not being there. Seeing the pictures is wonderful. I also can't blieve how much Charlie looks like big brother Alc. The picture in the car seat startled me it looked so much like Alec.
You look good too Erin. Love you guys.

JonandBarbara said...

Good to see you home with Charlie. My favorite is you and Alec bathing Charlie. Why is it babies prefer awake at night sleep during the day?
Thanks for the to all of you Barbie

Abby said...

Awesome pics, he is so cute!!!1

Sweet Baby James said...

He is def an Alec mini-me! Welcome home!! You all look great. Mac must have given Charlie sleeping advice, he would only sleep on top of us for the first 3 months. Ha! He sleeps in his crib now though and won't sleep on my chest for anything and I miss it! Love the new pics and am so happy to hear you are settling in as a new family of 4!