Monday, March 7, 2011

The Big Day

Retta making play dough surprises

Before we become a family of 4 1/2

Just a quick post before our big day tomorrow! We are very excited, and definitely have a different feeling than we did before having Alec, something about knowing exactly when it is going to happen just kind of changes things - not for better or worse really, it is just different. Regardless, we are very excited and optimistic that every thing will go well. I had an appt today and they have everything ready for us, assuming worst case scenario, which means I have placenta accreta and may need additional surgery, but my doc is very optimistic that everything will go smoothly and that we wont need any of it. Hear is to hoping she is right!!! Regardless, we can't wait to meet the newest member of our family. My c-section is scheduled for 8, so we should be able to share our news pretty early. My bet is still on a boy, and I think Matt would probably say boy too, but he doesn't like to commit one way or another. We will keep you all posted! Hugs to all, and a few random pics of the last few days, we have all been enjoying Retta and Papa Randy's company and are so grateful they are here to help us out.

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