Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two weeks

Charlie was 2 weeks old on Tuesday! We are all doing well, and are slowly figuring out our new routine. My dad and Loretta left on Fri, and Matt has been back to work, so the boys and I have been figuring things out on our own. Alec has done awesome, and really surprised us both with his patience with Charlie. He loves to give him kisses and tries to soothe him when he cries; he loves pacifier duty. We had one morning when he asked when the baby was going to be gone, but other than that he has done great. He has been a little stir crazy in the house, since we are taking a few week break from most of his classes, and he has wanted to be very near me at all times, but other than that, "big baby" as he has named himself, has been awesome. Definitely makes me think a 3 1/2 year age difference is a good one! We have made it out for a walk every day, have been to story time and gymnastics, the grocery store, and even to the doc for Charlie's two week appt together, and we have all done well. Charlie continues to be a total lover and is totally content if he is being held or carried in the carrier. However, he is not a happy boy when he is not in someone's arms, and is not afraid to let us know. We are still having a hard time at night b/c he won't sleep w/o us, but if we give in and just let him sleep on our chests or next to us he will go for 4.5 hours at a time. We have had a bit of luck getting him to sleep in the car seat for stretches at night and I have been able to get him down for at least one 2 + hr nap a day in his bed or the pack n play, so we are making progress. Much to my dismay, he seems to have inherited his older brother's nack for spitting up, so we are remembering what that is all about. Unlike Alec, who was the happiest little spitter around, Charlie seems to have a bit of reflux and is pretty uncomfortable and irritable until he spits up. I talked with the doc yesterday and he gave him a reflux prescription, so we will see if that gives him any relief. Other than that, he is a sweet little man and we love that we are seeing more and more alert and awake time from him. He weighed in at 9lbs 5 oz at the doc yesterday, and the first thing the nurse said to me was, "Wow, he looks exactly like his brother!"

Checking things out, and reminding me of Alec

Some eyes open time

Brody's way of coping with another baby....surprisingly, he is very concerned when Charlie fusses and all up in his business. Guess Brody has a bit of compassion after all.

Looking big (and wearing a 3-6 month onesie!)


JonandBarbara said...

So good to get an update. Erin, the eyes wide open picture of Charlie looks just like you at that age. Excited to meet the new guy soon. Good news he's thriving. Love to all Barbie

Grammy G. said...

Adorable, and I just knew
Alec would be a terrific big brother.
Drammy's on her way!

Abby said...

So cute, and again I can't believe he looks so much like Alec!