Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Charlie Matthew Sungy

We are so happy to announce the arrival of Charlie Matthew Sungy, born March 8th, at 8:48am. Everything with my c-cestion went extremely smoothly, and none of the placenta issues they were concerned about ended up being any sort of problem! Charlie weighed in at 8lbs, 15 oz, which is pretty big considering he was a week early. He looks a lot like Alec did as a newborn, although his skin color is more fair, but he reminds both Matt and I of Alec. He has been super sweet so far, he nurses like a champ and is super snuggly, which we are loving b/c his older brother never liked to snuggle. We will probably be in the hospital until tom afternoon or Fri morning b/c I need to recover a bit more, so we are just enjoying our little man and the quiet time. It is amazing how much easier the whole newborn process feels the second time around, we are so much calmer and more relaxed and Charlie definitely seems to pick up on that. Alec is also doing well, running around with Papa Randy and Retta, and he did a great job when he came to visit yesterday - he was genuinely interested in meeting Charlie and already wanted to help - he found a comb and ended up bushing the baby's hair. He was a little sad to leave us and didn't understand why we weren't just bringing the baby home, but Papa and Retta assured us he was happy again after leaving. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes yesterday, we are so happy and can't wait to introduce you all to our little man.

The boys and Dad

With Retta

Meeting Papa Randy

p.s. We are both still in shock that we have a baby with an Illinois birth certificate
p.p.s. Damn to the other infamous Charlie who has been all over the media for the last 2 weeks damaging our baby name.


Little Miss Nelson said...

Congratulations Erin, Matt and Alec!!! Charlie is absolutely adorable and he has a great name! I'm so glad that everything went so well and that you are now enjoying your snuggly new baby!

Sweet Baby James said...

Oh, I love him! So sweet and snuggly! Enjoy every squishy second! Erin, you look pretty amazing for just having major surgery! Happy new baby to everyone, love to you all! Oh and PS the first pic in the yellow hat looks exactly like a mini Alec to me :-)

The O'Reillys said...

Congratulations Erin! Charlie is beautiful and I'm so happy for your family! Charlie is pretty lucky sharing his birthday with me, James Van Der Beek, and Freddie Prinze Jr. - ha! You look wonderful, enjoy your sweet new baby :)

Grammy G. said...

I'm so excited to see these pictures. He's adorable. He looks so much like Alec, yet different. Love it.
Erin, you look great too! This is the Best outcome ever.
And, I'm thrilled to hear he's a snuggler!

Abby said...

He is soooo cute!!! I love all the pictures and I really love the new family photo of the 4 of you :) I agree, I think he looks so much like Alec and I am so happy to hear that everything went well. Sorry for my crappy phone call yesterday, the reception here is terrible, but I was so happy to talk to you guys. I love Charlie!

Grammy G. said...

I just looked at pictures again and had to post one more time.
Cutest little troll I've ever seen!!!

Tonia said...

Hi Erin, just peeking at your blog. Congratulations on your family's new addition. Charlie is super cute!

JonandBarbara said...

Squeezable bundle.Picture of 4 of you very special. so fun to get to see him so quick. Love to you. Bub and Jon