Monday, May 18, 2009

More Balloon Pics

Here are the pics from the balloon launch in our neighborhood - see the post below for details!

Checking out balloons w/ Grammy

This guy had no basket on his balloon - just a seat

Alec couldn't decide which direction to go - there was excitement everywhere.
Alec in balloon bliss
The balloons took off to the east this year b/c of the wind, so it was hard to get good pics of them all in the air.

Come on guys

Alec was not interested in posing for this pic

Our neighbors - Niall, Cherilyn and baby Liam


Grammy G. said...

"Boon, boon, dhere, dhat, boon!"

Grammy G. said...

And why is it that the double chin looks charming on Alec but not so on Grammy?

Abby said...

Looks like a lot of fun, I love the pic of Alec pointing in both directions!