Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer Festivities

Alec had an action packed weekend - the town of Erie has an annual town fair, and a part of it is a hot air balloon launch on the driving range of the golf course in our neighborhood. Alec went last year, although he was a little too young to know what was going on, so this year was a lot of fun for him. He was fascinated by all the balloons, and just ran up and down the golf course pointing at them and saying "dhat, dhat" - his way of saying I want to see that. We also took him down to the fair in the evening and he had a ball running around outside and listening to the live bands play. He actually was very into dancing (if you can call it that) to the music - he would spastically jump up and down and turn in circles while the band played and then sign for more music as soon as they stopped. It was hilarious, and sadly, it looks like he got his mom and dad's sense of rhythm and not his grandpa Randy or Aunt Abby's. He even made a few friends at the fair, and had a great time playing ball with them and chasing them around the stage. We are pretty sure he would have been happy to stay until midnight. Looks like this boy is going to enjoy the summer!
Alec now does this whenever he sees a ball - he learned it when we took storytime yoga - it's pretty funny b/c he wipes out all the time.
Checking out the fields
Dancing with mom

Can't you just see the rhythm?!
And....I have a ton of cute pics from the balloon launch, but for some reason blogger hasn't let me upload them all day - so, stay tuned - hopefully I can get them uploaded soon.

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