Saturday, December 20, 2008

Some Cute Pics

Alec is thoroughly enjoying the holiday season. He loves to look at the lights on the x-mas tree inside and the outside lights and also enjoys carrying around and stacking the different presents under the tree. His new word is "yes," which he loves to say. Whenever you ask him about something he likes you get a very enthusiastic yes in response. He also has discovered eating clementine oranges, which we have actually had to hide in the kitchen b/c he would stand on the floor pointing at the box saying "dhat" and doing the sign for more food non-stop. We actually think he might have had about 7 in one day. He also LOVES to get toys he knows he isn't supposed to have, like the phone, and run around the house with them. As you can see from the pics - he loves this game.

Showing his baby the tree

Enjoying self-feeding - this is the first time he got the entire piece of toast.

Yep - Alec is reading US weekly in the background

Dad - I'm over here - why aren't you playing with me?

Brody has basically stopped eating his own food - Alec probably feeds him about 1/4 of every meal he eats, so Brody's dog food has taken a backseat

Mastering the cutlery.


Sweet Baby James said...

OK, so here are more reasons that James and Alec are twins:
A.) James also love the tree/lights
B.) James shares Alec's passion for clementines
C.) James also loves to read US Weekly-it is a battle for who gets to read it first when it comes in the mail each week
D.) James also feeds our dog about 1/4 of every meal-hence the schnoodle's rapid decent into morbid obesity.
E.) They have the same Christmas jammies
You guys have a TON of presents under that tree! Cute pictures as always, and have a very Merry Christmas with your family!!! Let's have a play date in January!

Zach, Lacey, Audrina, & Augustino said...

Vert cute!

Drina loves the clementines as well! (we know what to stock up for next playdate)

And she just started feeding my dogs, so we'll see how this goes.